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S.H.O.U.T. (UFH Clothesline Project)

S.H.O.U.T., the UFH-Clothesline Project, is a violence prevention and awareness program aimed at ending the cycle of violence in our communities. Each year, we have seen a rise of various types of in our communities: domestic violence, acts of sexual assault, acts of hate, gender and religious bias crimes, bullying, and even incidences of sexual harassment in the workplace, going unnoticed and unreported.

S.H.O.U.T serves to give voice to the voiceless, in an effort to remove them from violent situations and prevent acts of violence:

           Stop the Violence

                     Heal internally

                               Outreach -Ask for help/Get Help (report incidence of abuse even if it's not you)

                                                 Understand it's never you, and you are not alone

                                                                       Teach others awareness and prevention 

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